Shivendra Jha
In today’s fast paced business environment, need to meet both daily obligations and plan for an increasingly unpredictable future places intense demands on limited time. The decision makers are looking at reducing the time and costs in performing the day to day support functions and focusing on the vital areas of the business to achieve the long term objectives of the business. At the same time, it is imperative that the organization does not compromise on the internal controls process in order to achieve the risk management objectives.
BDO offers a large range of business support services which can help the organizations meet current needs and work towards long-term goals through assisting them in executing various vital operational processes while strengthening its internal control process.
Expense claim management is one of the vital operational process that affects the day to day business and utilizes a lot of time. We perform these services through direct e-mails or through the web-based solution. We offer end to end support for the expense claim management process helping the organizations to reduce the time and costs whilst following a strong internal control process. Following are various key tasks performed: