Technology Consulting Services

All too often companies move to digitally transform the business without proper strategy and proactive planning, which is driven by future technologies and innovation. Incorporating innovation into your business technique and working model from the beginning is the proven method to limit risks and expand effectiveness.

Many organizations who conduct digital transformations have realized gains in digital productivity, via increased speed and access to data, more rapid data analysis, and related data storage cost savings, especially when cloud-based data storage is included. However, increasingly these same organizations have encountered costly cyber-attacks in the form of socially-engineered spear-phishing attacks, business email compromise (BEC) or spoofing attacks, and/ or ransomware attacks, because they did not adequately or proactively begin their digital transformation with cybersecurity in mind.

BDO’s Technology consulting team will help in building your vision and enable you to achieve your technology goals and objectives, without compromising on security aspects of the organisations. We will work with you to understand the business capability, leverage it, and deliver the innovative solutions where needed. Together, we will achieve the required transformation envisioned for your business by delivering high quality work with visible improvements on the business.

BDO provides the following Technology consulting services


Shivendra Jha

Shivendra Jha

Partner - Head of Advisory Services and International Liaison Partner (ILP)
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Dr. Madan Mohan

Dr. Madan Mohan

Director - Technology Advisory Services
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