Anti-Fraud and Compliance Advisory

Frauds and financial irregularities can destroy an organization's reputation, negatively impact employee morale, and lead to civil and criminal prosecution of directors and management. Taking a long and deep look at fraud risks is, at the very least, a prudent step that every organization should take.

Our seasoned professionals are experienced in working with multinational organizations to implement compliance programs, including performing risk assessments, anti-corruption policy, procedure design and testing, as well as conducting fraud and ethics training and education. As a preventive fraud services, we provide the following services to to help protect your business:

  • Fraud Risk Assessment and Continuous Monitoring (Development of strategies and policies for prevention of fraud, corruption and misconduct including code of conduct, whistleblowing policy and investigation policy)
  • Anti-bribery and corruption reviews
  • Whistleblower Hotline Management
  • Business Ethics Advisory includes Training

Your key contacts

Shivendra Jha

Shivendra Jha

Partner - Head of Advisory Services and International Liaison Partner (ILP)
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Rahul Samdani

Director - Forensic Services
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