Cyber Risk Posture

An overall planning of an organisation with regards to its cyber defense capabilities (such as malware protection, IDS/IPS and firewall) against any cyberattack is often considered as cyber risk posture. It is important for an organisation to understand its current cyber risk posture in comparison to the ongoing cyberattacks, threats and data breaches across the world. Cyber risk posture helps organisations to understand their current strengths and weakness, also provides the detailed technical input to strengthen the cyber ecosystem of the organisation.

We assist in the design and implementation of a comprehensive cybersecurity program aligned with an existing enterprise risk management framework. This includes strategy, organizational structure, governance, policies and procedures, training, and both internal and external communications. This encompasses access controls, data protection, security monitoring, data privacy, and the selection and implementation of security tools.

In the current dynamic security threats landscape, organisations need to prove to stakeholders that they pay more than lip-service to cybersecurity. To do this they need to demonstrate two things: Firstly to 'raise their gaze' and establish better sight or awareness of the threat environment, coupled with greater self-awareness of their own failings and weaknesses. The second is to 'raise their game' - by developing a higher state of readiness to deal with cybersecurity incidents.

But what does this mean? How can organisations justify establishing the capabilities and appropriate level of maturity in their security operations and establishing a proper defensive posture? What capabilities and maturity level do they need in their security operations? What tools are required?

BDO backed by our global specialists, helps organisations to understand their current threat landscape and design comprehensive cybersecurity strategy and roadmap to holistically improve the cyber risk posture. We provide the following cyber risk posture services:

  • Cybersecurity Management Strategy & Program Design
  • Cyber risk posture assessment
  • Cybersecurity process benchmark assessment
  • Cyber risk insurance coverage review
  • Third party vendor assessment
Dr. Madan Mohan

Dr. Madan Mohan

Director - Technology Advisory Services
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Shivendra Jha

Shivendra Jha

Partner - Head of Advisory Services and International Liaison Partner (ILP)
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