Digital Forensics

In this connected world, data is being created at an exponential pace and has become the most valuable asset for any organisation. According to one of the articles published by World economic forum it is estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day globally by 2025. Understandably, data science and forensics requirements have commensurately increased. Now, it has become all the more essential to appropriately search, collect, preserve, analyse and use the data with the of advance forensic tools.

Digital forensics is the “process of identifying, preserving, analyzing, and presenting digital evidence in a manner that is legally acceptable in any legal proceedings (i.e., a court of law).”

We provide rapid response to breach incidents or fraud, including identification of cause and implementation of remediation measures for affected areas, as well as expert testimony where needed.

BDO’s Forensic Technology professionals leverage proven methodologies, as well as innovative and proprietary technologies, to identify relevant investigative and dispute resolution evidence in a timely and credible manner. Backed by an extensive network of global resources, our experienced professionals provide value-added solutions to clients across the world. Our core practice areas include:

  • Information Governance
  • Digital Forensics
  • Cyber Investigations
  • E-Discovery / TAR
  • Data Analytics
  • National Security Compliance / CFIUS

Our multidisciplinary teams bring a deep understanding of the complexities of data, technology, business operations, and evidentiary procedure to every engagement. BDO has significant experience integrating state-of-the-art digital forensics and e-discovery capabilities into investigative and compliance matters.

Dr. Madan Mohan

Dr. Madan Mohan

Director - Technology Advisory Services
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Shivendra Jha

Shivendra Jha

Partner - Head of Advisory Services and International Liaison Partner (ILP)
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