The Near Future of...

The Near Future of...

In 2017, the BDO Natural Resources Practice set out to collate our thoughts on where we thought the future of mining and oil & gas would be in ‘the near future’. As technology becomes more pervasive, industries converge and the global market place becomes increasingly connected, innovation and change are accelerating.

Through working with clients across the globe, and our long history in the natural resources sector, we felt we were in a good position to provide our collective insights.

The 2020 report provides forward-looking statements on oil & gas, with global predictions, and then country breakout sessions for Australia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, UK and the US.

As we approach 2020, BDO’s “The Near Future of…” series has been re-launched to track our initial predictions. Over the next few months, we will be releasing 2023: The Near Future of Oil & Gas, which will provide a heat-map and commentary on how we tracked on our original predictions, in addition to some more forward looking predictions for 2023.

Furthermore, we will be releasing BDO’s first 2023: The Near Future of Renewables. Renewables are playing an increasingly important role as countries look to decarbonise their economies and transform to cleaner sources of energy.

We hope you find the reports useful. We welcome any feedback. 

2020: The Near Future of Oil & Gas 

2023: The Near Future of Oil & Gas 

2023: The Near Future of Renewables 


Muhammad Husnain

Muhammad Husnain

Lead Partner for Abu Dhabi
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